Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Are you a Pank – Professional, Aunt, No Kids?

Today is Cyber Monday, which means two things 1) it's the first working day after "payday", when people will spend the most amount of money online buying Christmas presents 2) someone hasn't updated their marketing speak since the mid-1990s.

But call it what you will, today will see a rush of click and buys, particularly if you are a Pank. It stands for Professional Aunt, No Kids, and despite the way it conflates money and love, it's an acronym that lifts the spirits somewhat. As The Cut points out, childless women are no longer spinsters but Panks, which implies they come bearing fun and gifts and tales about their glam life at the coalface of industry (sort of). In a culture that has Jennifer Aniston on womb watch, putting forth the idea that this hugely successful actor should be the recipient of pity because she isn't married with kids, a term that celebrates a childless woman's status, putting "professional" right up there at the top, feels like a victory of sorts.

Are you a Pank – Professional, Aunt, No Kids? 

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